Books: The mortal instruments (1/3)

City of bones


The beginning bored me a little. Perhaps because it is introductory and I have already read Mechanical Angel, so I already know what the world is about. For the rest, as the novel progressed, I was hooked to the point of not putting the book down. I love that there is action and that the rythm is great, it’s the style that I like the most.

As for the characters… I’ll just say that I was delighted with Jace, he’s really unique. I don’t know what to think about Clary, really, just like Simon, and I don’t think I’ll have a better opinion of them until I keep reading. The other secondary ones seemed well developed and quite interesting.

And from the end… I won’t spoiler but… I was left with my mouth open, not only was I not expecting it at all (or many other things that happen) but also it has totally thrown me off. God, I have to start the next one ASAP.

City of Ashes


I liked this one more, perhaps because it’s less introductory, although this time I didn’t get a surprise shock like the one I got in the previous book (God, it’s going to be hard to write this review without putting in a City of Bones spoiler, if you have not read the novel you may not understand something).

Action, action everywhere. I think that is what most defines this book and what has made me love it so much. There is more, of course, but things that don’t stop happening help not to get bored and keep you hooked on the novel. It has been difficult for me to find a chapter in which to leave the reading for another time.

Well, the fact is that, apart from the action, I’ve loved everything: Valentine (the bad guy) is one of the characters that intrigues me the most and I declare myself an unconditional fan of Magnus. On the other hand, I definitely didn’t like Simon until almost the end of the book and the Inquisitor seemed like a pest to me. Important for the plot, but without charm. With Clary I still don’t have it clear, although it seems that she is beginning to wake up and Jace continues to seem fantastic to me.

Also, I like the world that the author has created more and more and the plot is at a very interesting point. I’ll start the next one as soon as possible.

City of Glass


Spectacular. Simply spectacular. Although I must say that I do not understand how the story continues, when everything has been so well closed.

I can’t say too much about development without spoilers (I’m not that creative, and I don’t plan to speak in code either). There was something I had been suspecting since the second book, related to the surprise of the first. Although it was predictable, I have remained on edge at all times and I have not been able to stop reading the novel for a second. On the other hand, I’ve had some surprises (especially a death I didn’t expect).

I’ve finally gotten to like Simon, and my opinion of Clary continued improving. Magnus continued charming me, as does Jace. New characters come into play, such as Luke and Sebastian’s sister. The latter plays an important role and I found it interesting. On the other hand, I find Valentine fantastic (although he is the bad guy) and the most complex character.

I can’t say much more (no spoilers, of course) except that the epilogue seemed long. After so much non-stop happening, I didn’t need it.

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